Films at Pathé Arena

Pathé Arena

P6 - Corridor (onder Pathé Arena) The regular fee is €1,00 per 25 minutes.
Adres De Corridor 15
Tarief € 3,60

P1 – Amsterdam Arena / Transferium € 3,60 per hour.
Adres Burgemeester Stramanweg 130
Tarief € 3,60

P3 – Mikado/Arena € 3,60 per hour.
Adres De Entree 228
Tarief € 3,60

P23 - Amsterdamse Poort The rate during the first 2 hours is €0.70 per 20 minutes. After the first 2 hours, the rate is € 2 per hour.
Adres Bijlmerdreef 250
Tarief € 2,10

Public Transport
Train, bus & metro If you are coming to Pathé Arena by public transport, you can plan your journey (e.g. via to train, metro and bus station Bijlmer Arena.
Opening hours
dagelijks 15 minutes before the start of the first screening.
General information
Seats 2592
Largest Room Cinema Room 14: 480 seats
Climate control Yes
Cinema Rooms 14
Sound System Dolby Digital 7.1, IMAX Immersive 12.1 Sound
Wheelchair accessible Yes.